现在有N种冰淇淋,TZ要吃他们。 由于TZ食量有限,他等下还要去吃若菜,所以他只吃3个。 然而因为TZ比较神,所以他觉得某两个冰淇淋不能一起吃。 一共有M组不能一起吃的冰淇淋。 TZ可以瞬间算出一共有多少中吃法([1,2,3]和[2,1,3]是同种), 你能吗? n<=200,m<=10000
5 3 1 2 3 4 1 3
There are 5 flavors and 3 impossible pairings. Flavor 1 should be combined with neither flavor 2 nor
flavor 3, and flavor 3 also should not be chosen together with flavor 4. Only 3 ways to choose three
different flavors remain: (1 4 5), (2 3 5), and (2 4 5).